“There is something about knowing poverty and insecurity that really lights a fire under your butt.”
It’s a three-hour drive with two young kids in the back seat. One is talking about sharks. The other, singing the Itsy Bitsy Spider. Dionicia can tell she’s getting closer to her parents’ house when the peach and walnut orchards appear in the distance. The same orchards she worked as a young child.
Dionicia's dad was still a teenager when he crossed the border in search of work. After sixty years of harvesting the land of others, he now tends to his own garden. Dionicia's parents put all four of their kids through college. This is their story.
Dionicia Ramos Ledesma received her bachelor's degree from the University of California, Berkeley and her master's from Cal State, East Bay. Dionicia is currently the Director of Public Information for the Hayward Unified School District. She is also on the board of directors for the California Alumni Association at UC Berkeley. Dionicia lives in the Bay Area with her husband and two kids.
Art by Alberto Ledesma